Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mommy guilt #57

I used to be great at taking pictures of Anthony and of all the things we do together. I have slacked on it so much recently that I noticed and decided to take some pictures this morning. When I uploaded them to the computer I realized that these are the first pictures I have taken ALL MONTH. How did I let it go all the way to the middle of the month without taking a single picture?!


Here are a couple recent ones (from last month and today).

He is becoming a pretty-boy. He likes styling his hair and picking out outfits that make him look "handsome". :)

On another note, I decided to delete the two most recent blogs because reading them again just makes me more mad. I am trying to stay out of that frame of mind as much as possible even though some days it gets the best of me. I am only human. :-/

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